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Committee Members

Thanks to all committee members for serving our community enriching the lives of all in Cottonwood.  Please send any amendments to any committee to  If you would like to participate on one or more of the committees below, please send an email to and someone from that committee will contact you.  

Cottonwood Board

President - Jane Craig 713-447-9774

Vice Pres. - David Fahland  218-380-3352

Secretary - Carolyn Teer   956-245-7779

MAL- Ralph Moore 956-421-3622

Treasury - Glenn Rice 918-640-5204


Ballot Committee

Alison Weldon Chair 956-343-1552

Helen Gilley 816-390-4737

Judy Venkus 209-781-5305

Bill Postma 219-743-8425

Ruth Dyker -586-255-4080

Dan Dunn 956-230-4087

ARC Cottonwood

Steve Evans Chair - 956-256-4937

Alice Magyar - 956-451-4927

Paul Wilkes- 334-429-1964

Mike Zarletti- 956-622-8491


Approves new build and changes on Cottonwood 1 based on Cottonwood Covenants



Decorating Committee

Berdie Cox Chair 314-603-1139

Julie Garcia            956-792-4060


Decorates for major events within our community.  Many people volunteer to help this committee pull things  together,

Garden Committee

Gerald Haak 956-423-3193 

Carlos Cantu Chair 361-455-5061 

Frances Purvis Secretary 956-873-3999

Link to Rules

Monitors and organizes the use of the Community Garden.

Audit & Budget

Jack Holtzberger Chair 605-999-8644

Zinnia Calderin 956-491-2974



This committee proposes a budget based on past history to keep cost down while providing savings for future need.

ARC Fairways

David Gearhart Chair - 972-824-3688

Sergio Martinez - 956-742-5082

Frank Gonzales - 956-454-4144

Wilma Esparza - 210-684-1154

Dennis Teague - 916-214-1661

Approves new build and changes on Fairway based on the Fairways Covenants.

Electronic Team

Shari Gearhart Chair - 903-423-5565 All

Jose Mulet - 210-823-2695 Web

Janet Rice - 918-605-1386  Calendar

Kerin Fahland - 218-389-6361 FB

David Fahland - 218-380-3352 FB

Paul  Wilkes - 334-429-1964 Web

Shari Gearhart - 903-423-5565 Directory

Creates and updates information on the Digital Directory

E-mail Website Request

Entertainment Committee

Berdie Cox Chair 314-603-1139

Jan McDonald      309-236-4571

Zinnia Calderin 956-491-2974

Frank Avila 361-443-3465

Linda Avila 361-443-3468


Organizes major events to include hiring entertainment etc.

Golf Committee

Jan McDonald 309-236-4571


Runs the Pro Shop, determines when Golf Course is closed due to weather or maintenance.  Answers phone calls from the public.  This committee needs volunteers.

Landscaping Committee

Jane Voorhies 956-371-7128

Dan Dunn   956-230-4087


Plants and water the plants in the common area as well as keep those areas clean.

Policies and Procedures

Vivian Finch    956-564-2327

Carolyn Teer   956-245-7779


Reviews and makes proposal to new policies to better the community.

Welcome Committee

Jenny Jones 507-269-0622

Linda Avila 361-443-3468


Welcomes all new residents, providing information and answering questions.

Library Committee

Barb McVea  Chair 616-218-8020

Judy Venckus 209-781-5305


This committee is responsible for organizing books and materials made available to the community located in the library.

Safety Committee

Sandra Smith         956-793-9936

Richard Smith        956-341-9884

Randy Van Nostrand 918-630-1021

David Fahland        218-380-3352

Watches Safety issues and proposes fixes to improve the safety of the community.  

Pool Committee

Jill Holtzberger Chair 605-999-8644

Frank Avila                     361-443-3465

David Gearhart            972-824-3688

Jenny Jones                  507-269-0622

Jerry Morhan                 660-620-1192

William (Dick) Krahl      309-323-3448

Meets regarding pool maintenance and upkeep.



Shari Gearhart 903-423-5565

David Gearhart 972-824-3688



Volunteers willing to offer assistance to any committee based on skill and availability.


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