Special Covenants Meeting - A special meeting regarding the proposed covenants will be held on 9-14 at 10:00 AM at the Clubhouse. Based on the input of members, the Board and the Covenants Committee elected to reduce the percentage capped at 5%. To reduce the burden on our members. You may elect to assign your proxy to a neighbor or a Board member to protect and represent your interest in Cottonwood. Contact the office if for some reason you did not receive the proxy form that was emailed to everyone. Coffee and donuts will be provided.
Garage Sale - The second Saturday of November. Start sorting and pricing for your own sale or donate to the community sale by bringing items to the club house and place near the Pool Table. The monies raised by the community is spent on projects the HOA dues do not cover. We appreciate your support. 7-29
Healthy living group - This group is a great way to create friendships with others wanting to live healthy. We will discuss how often we want to meet and what we want to focus on. The goal is to socialize, share information, and personal experiences that may be of help to others. There will be a sign-up sheet across the mailroom to reserve the correct amount of people. We will post on the website and Facebook when we meet again. Hope we see you there. 7-29-2024
Pool Party Hours - Pool Party has been moved to 5:00 PM instead of 4:00. June 15th we are serving Hamburgers and Hotdogs while supplies last. 6-3-2024
Monthly Coffee - We need volunteers to host October, November, and December. July 11
Website Request E-mail - In order to request information be added to the website submit an e-mail to This e-mail box will be worked daily. Should your request need immediate attention contact an electronic committee member for assistance. .2-6-2024